Bringing In The Bells Is Easy When Hog Roast Mulhuddart Is In Charge

There’s no better way to bring in the bells than with a room full of family, a copious amount of boozy beverages and an irresistible hog roast feast provided for of course, by yours truly; so, when it came time for Emily to arrange the catering for her New Year’s Eve celebration, she couldn’t wait to get Hog Roast Mulhuddart involved! As an all-encompassing catering service, our top priority is ensuring that all of the guests at our events feel welcome and included which is why we strive to offer a variety of meat-free delicacies as an alternative option to the juicy carvings of meat we are renowned for – a feature which Emily was very excited to learn more about.

Hog Roast MulhuddartRelieved that she wouldn’t have to find a separate means of catering for her vegetarian and vegan guests, Emily had opted for a bespoke catering package that centred around our southern slow roast menu. Combining a selection of classic American-inspired dishes with a couple of different plant-based options was the perfect choice for this occasion and immediately after finalising the details of her booking with Hog Roast Mulhuddart, Emily felt completely at ease and couldn’t wait to get the word out about her event!

With everyone looking forward to tasting on one of our delicious spread’s, the atmosphere was already buzzing with excitement when Hog Roast Mulhuddart arrived at the client’s home in the early hours of the evening. Working against the clock, the team pitched the catering gazebo in the back garden and got started on preparing the buffet of BBQ pork butt, Texan 24-hour beef brisket, fall off the bone Louisiana sticky pork ribs and gourmet sausages for the meat lovers and as the meat sizzled its way to perfection in our trusty Hog Master, they took the opportunity to prepare the grilled veggie skewers with optional haloumi and the mushroom and haloumi burgers.

Emily’s aim was to end 2019 with a bang, and as always we’re pleased to say she certainly achieved her goal! The guests had a wonderful time and no one could stay away from the buffet for too long!